Why Potential, Experience, & Education Aren't Enough to Land You That Job

Bernice Maldonado

Resumé bots & time-crunched recruiters. 75% of resumés are rejected by resumé bots before they are seen by human eyes. If your resumé gets past the bots, the average recruiter scans it for just 6 seconds before deciding if you're a good fit for the role. PLUS, up to 85% of jobs get filled through network connections before they’re ever posted publicly. So if you’re not linked in, you’re locked out.

I’m tired of seeing professionals of color with potential, experience, and education miss out on what they deserve. What you don’t know is keeping you from getting noticed by the gatekeepers and decision-makers in your industry. But together, we can change that. To make opportunity knock on your door, you need the insider secrets straight from a fellow POC. 🙋🏽‍♀️

In my upcoming 3-day live workshop, I’ll show you exactly how to beat the bots, up your LinkedIn networking game, and land better-paying opportunities in any economic climate.

Get on the waitlist today via the link below so that once registration’s open, you'll be the first to know. Once you're in, you'll also get free access to my LinkedIn Quick Start Guide which addresses 10 important things you should do before updating your LinkedIn profile.

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About the Author

Nationally-Certified Online Profile Expert & Diverse Talent Strategist, Bernice “B” Maldonado helps first-gen pros steer their careers throughout corporate landscapes. With over 24 years of first-hand experience in corporate settings, B knows the unwritten rules and nuances of white-collar etiquette. These insights are baked into each of her online training programs so that FGP's have the tools and confidence they need to succeed and steer their careers.