We're studying first-generation professionals (FGPs) - those who are the first in their family to embark on a professional career. The first phase of the study focused on the finance and utility industries in California. The second phase will focus on all professionals. In both phases, both FGPs and non-FGPs participate, to generate comparative data.


While some studies have been conducted on those who are the first in their family to attend college, almost no research exists on first-generation professionals. Bernice Maldonado, herself a first-generation professional in California, wondered if the unique circumstances of FGPs like herself affected their professional work experience.

She recalled skills and traits that were directly linked to here FGP identity: “Even though I didn’t have access to the same social networks or private tutoring like some of my colleagues did growing up, I learned a great deal from my parents and believe that the grit and determination they passed on to me have served me well in my career.”

But as a first-generation professional, Bernice also faced challenges: “It wasn’t easy to talk to my family about my career. As my work became more professional, we experienced a disconnect which meant that I didn’t have the support network that some of my peers did.”

Bernice wondered if other first-generation professionals had similar experiences. After realizing that almost no studies had been completed on the topic, she decided to take on the research herself, and FirstGenTalent was created.


Our First Gen Talent research aims to answer two questions:

  • What is the workplace experience of first-generation professionals like, and how does it differ from non-FGPs?
  • How can companies better support and utilize the unique talents of FGPs?


In phase 1, we began by drawing on secondary research to frame our project. We found that many organizations and institutions have indicated a need for a study of this population, such as The United States Department of Commerce and the College Board. Those studying class mobility, and low-income and first-generation college students, among others, have also called for studies on FGPs. We incorporated existing research to strengthen our approach.

Next, a mixed-methods approach was used, consisting of an online survey followed by a series of phone interviews. This data was then analyzed using data software, to spot patterns and trends.

Phase 2 is currently under development, and will also take a mixed-methods approach.


The research will be used for several purposes. One will be to share with other first-generation professionals, such as through affinity and professional groups, so they can utilize it to support their own careers. Secondly, the research will be shared with higher education institutions, to support first-gen students who are transitioning to become FGPs. Lastly, it will be used to support companies who are interested in more deeply applying the findings to create a workplace that can be even more supportive of FGPs, and better utilize their unique talents. 


All research participants will receive a detailed summary of the findings. We anticipate that individuals will find this useful for their own career progression, and leaders will find it helpful for business performance. It will be applicable both to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and to leadership and high-performance employee programs. A summary of the findings will also be made public on this website.


bernice maldonado



Bernice grew up in a working-class family in Southern California. Though her parents had very limited education and her mother was illiterate and unable to speak English, she went on to earn an MBA and now has her own consulting practice, Bernice Maldonado.com. Through her lived experience, she has intimate knowledge and expertise in helping individuals succeed and incorporate their background as a competitive advantage. Currently, she is a strategy consultant and advisor dedicated to maximizing organizational effectiveness and diverse talent management.

martha burwell



Martha is a social scientist who specializes in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) mixed-methods research. She holds a Master of Science in intersectional gender studies from a top university in Europe and has designed and led diversity research projects in many industries, including technology, startup, nonprofit, action sports, and event operations. She also holds a business operations background and helps organizations “translate” their good intentions into reality through the application of DEI techniques into day-to-day operations through her business, Martha Burwell Consulting.